Category: On the Road Blog


We have made it through the ukraine border with no problems.. They did mess us about asking for a green card but we did not have one.. They were probably looking for a bribe.. They got fed up and waved us through. Roads are really bad but finally found a decent road and now heading for kiev. Truck is good but I am gonna run out of pants soon
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We are 1 hour from the polish border. We spent 24 hours in prague to have a good look around.. We loved it. Early yesterday afternoon we made our way to the church of bones. We then got stuck in bad traffic trying to get out due to an accident between a harley and a car. Afterwards We pressed on until 8 pm then found a hotel in a lovely small town. Its been really warm in czech too. The 4×4 has been great on motorway,cruises lovely at 70-80 even full loaded. Will do another update later today.
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In Prague

We have just got in to prague. The roads from boulogne through germany and czech were fantastic. But probably get worse after poland. First night was in france, we stayed on a french farm with geese and donkeys in the fields…nice place. Few beers and a good nights kip. Next day we drove nearly 500 miles and got a hotel off the motorway in an empty and weird hotel… Dan tried some german and failed.. I managed a few words..most odd place and the town was dead. We then went out a beer but we almost got lost, picturing us with no bags as we left them in the hotel and it was dark. Next day we ate a crap hotel breakfast and drove 250 miles in to prague which is quite warm and we are now out for a beer and sightseeing. Tommorow church of bones, then off to poland. Steve
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2 days to go

Only 2 days now to go and just tie up a load of loose ends now, it is quite suprising how much work is involved organising 3 weeks on the road plus making sure everything is tip top at home.

I do want to thank my wife Xiaojing for being supportive and help me raise some cash for Save the Children, She has been very patient with me and I really wanted to show my appreciation for letting me do this. We would not be able to raise any money for charity otherwise and also live a dream i have had for quite a while and also having to manage everything on her own for a few weeks, not an easy task. Thank you Xiaojing!

We met up with Dan, Jaqui and Alex few days ago who flew over from Australia last weekend and we all went out for a meal at TFI’s. Looks like we are going to have a laugh on the road.

Roll on saturday, hope the weather picks up a bit.